Sunday, November 27, 2011

Returning from the Internet abyss

I've been away for a long time.

Being lost in the Inter net's "Make your Millions here on line" game

It really is a win- loss game. And it is directed toward the vulnerable on line

The other day I was going from email after email reading all of the "so called" promises of success...finally I got enraged and wrote the following email, and I began sending it out to the next few emails that I received:

My greatest frustration in marketing as a newbie is knowing where and how to get traffic....are safe lists, writing articles, and others the way to..???

Like, how and where do you set-up a marketing plan, an email campaign etc????????????????????????????????????????????

Not mention finding a buying audience for the first time

You all, forget to mention this in all of your wonderful squeeze pages.

If the truth were to be known you guys are keeping this part of "Success equation" to your long as we keep buying your products from your sales letters, video's, banner ads only to mention a few....

You have the prize = Our Money

By the way, did you personally send this email to me, or do you have a private group of advertiser's such as outsourcing to India or wherever where-in you only have to pay them penny's compared to the dollars you would have to pay one of us to do the same work for you?

I'm getting really really tired of all of your false promises...While I'm struggling to keep a roof over our heads and food on the table you're sitting back laughing at our vulnerability because once again I bought into your false promises to help me to succeed 0n line by making sure you have your asses covered with your "no profit guarantee clauses".

When you entered into this game you play with us, did you leave your conscience out side the door or outside of your minds?

Shame Shame Shame Shame Shame

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